A Threefold Opportunity
- RENEWABLE ENERGY LEGISLATION in the state of California. In conjunction with the California Air Resources Board and the state legislature California is on a one-way path towards decarbonization.
- GRANTS and RENEWABLE ENERGY FINANCING. We are accessing the current grant pools for electric vehicle charging stations and solar development for the state of California. We also provide financing as low as .99% for 20 years. We can finance solar, energy storage, EV charging, re-roofs, HVAC, and energy efficiency.
- A STATEWIDE INFRASTRUCTURE. We have a statewide network of solar installers all from one vertically integrated enterprise. We provide a one-stop-shop from sales to installation to activation.
Our mission is to install 1000 EV stations as quickly as possible to participate in the electric vehicle charging infrastructure that’s already underway in the state of California. We’re in a race to keep up with electric vehicle demand, to be first to the market, and to have the infrastructure in place for the current renewable energy legislature.

Current California renewable energy legislation and mandates:
Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) Program.
California's RPS program was established in 2002 by Senate Bill (SB) 1078 (Sher, 2002) with the initial requirement that 20% of electricity retail sales must be served by renewable resources by 2017. The program was accelerated in 2015 with SB 350 (de León, 2015) which mandated a 50% RPS by 2030. SB 350 includes interim annual RPS targets with three-year compliance periods and requires 65% of RPS procurement to be derived from long-term contracts of 10 or more years.

In 2018, SB 100 (de León, 2018) was signed into law, which again increases the RPS to 60% by 2030 and requires all the state's electricity to come from carbon-free resources by 2045.

The bill specifically requires that 50 percent of California's electricity be powered by renewable resources by 2025 and 60 percent by 2030 while calling for a "bold path" toward 100 percent zero-carbon electricity by 2045. ("Zero-carbon" sources include nuclear power, which is not renewable.
New California executive order requires that "by 2035, all new cars and passenger trucks sold in California be zero-emission vehicles."
Residential EV charger, solar, and energy storage
We are a one-stop-shop. We have a statewide infrastructure in place to install 500 projects per month.
- Design and system modeling
- EV consumption analysis tools
- Sales support TEAM
- Customer support TEAM
- .99% renewable energy financing or lease options
- Engineering and permitting TEAM
- Re-roofs, main panel upgrades, and energy efficiency products
- 35 Solar, battery, and Level II EV charging crews

- Residential and commercial electric vehicle infrastructure and development
- Commercial and residential solar development
- Engineering and permitting
- Interconnection and activation
- Maintenance and optimization
- Rebates, tax credits, and incentives
- Grant writing and funding
- Renewable energy finance
- Carbon credit acquisition/disposition management
- Renewable energy credits
- Real estate acquisition
- Energy Storage
- End to end project management

California Power - Renewable Energy

California Power - Renewable Energy